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Describe the IconSet conditional formatting rule. This conditional formatting rule applies icons to cells according to their values.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
CfIcons Container True False Get the from the collection
Cfvos Container True False Get the CFValueObjects instance.
IsCustom Boolean True False Indicates whether the icon set is custom. Default value is false.
Reverse Boolean True False Get or set the flag indicating whether to reverses the default order of the icons in this icon set. Default value is false.
ShowValue Boolean True False Get or set the flag indicating whether to show the values of the cells on which this icon set is applied. Default value is true.
IconSetType String True False Get or Set the icon set type to display. Setting the type will auto check if the current Cfvos’s count is accord with the new type. If not accord, old Cfvos will be cleaned and default Cfvos will be added.