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Represents options of saving .html file.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
ExportPageHeaders Boolean True False
ExportPageFooters Boolean True False
ExportRowColumnHeadings Boolean True False
ShowAllSheets Boolean True False
ImageOptions Class:ImageOrPrintOptions True False
SaveAsSingleFile Boolean True False Indicates whether save the html as single file. The default value is false.
ExportHiddenWorksheet Boolean True False Indicates whether save the html as single file. The default value is false.
ExportGridLines Boolean True False Indicating whether exporting the gridlines.The default value is false.
PresentationPreference Boolean True False Indicating if html or mht file is presentation preference.The default value is false.if you want to get more beautiful presentation,please set the value to true.
CellCssPrefix String True False Gets and sets the prefix of the css name,the default value is “”.
TableCssId String True False Gets and sets the prefix of the type css name such as tr,col,td and so on, they are contained in the table element which has the specific TableCssId attribute. The default value is “”.
IsFullPathLink Boolean True False Indicating whether using full path link in sheet00x.htm,filelist.xml and tabstrip.htm. The default value is false.
ExportWorksheetCSSSeparately Boolean True False Indicating whether export the worksheet css separately.The default value is false.
ExportSimilarBorderStyle Boolean True False
MergeEmptyTdForcely Boolean True False Indicates whether merging empty TD element forcely when exporting file to html. The size of html file will be reduced significantly after setting value to true. The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel or export perfect grid lines when saving file to html, please keep the default value.
ExportCellCoordinate Boolean True False Indicates whether exporting excel coordinate of nonblank cells when saving file to html. The default value is false. If you want to import the output html to excel, please keep the default value.
ExportExtraHeadings Boolean True False Indicates whether exporting extra headings when the length of text is longer than max display column. The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel, please keep the default value.
ExportHeadings Boolean True False Indicates whether exporting headings when saving file to html.The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel, please keep the default value.
ExportFormula Boolean True False Indicates whether exporting formula when saving file to html. The default value is true. If you want to import the output html to excel, please keep the default value
AddTooltipText Boolean True False Indicates whether adding tooltip text when the data can’t be fully displayed.
ExportBogusRowData Boolean True False Indicating whether exporting bogus bottom row data. The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
ExcludeUnusedStyles Boolean True False Indicating whether excluding unused styles.The default value is false.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
ExportDocumentProperties Boolean True False Indicating whether exporting document properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
ExportWorksheetProperties Boolean True False Indicating whether exporting worksheet properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
ExportWorkbookProperties Boolean True False Indicating whether exporting workbook properties.The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
ExportFrameScriptsAndProperties Boolean True False Indicating whether exporting frame scripts and document properties. The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
AttachedFilesDirectory String True False The directory that the attached files will be saved to. Only for saving to html stream.
AttachedFilesUrlPrefix String True False Specify the Url prefix of attached files such as image in the html file. Only for saving to html stream.
Encoding String True False
ExportActiveWorksheetOnly Boolean True False Indicates if exporting the whole workbook to html file.
ExportChartImageFormat String True False Get or set the format of chart image before exporting
ExportImagesAsBase64 Boolean True False
HiddenColDisplayType String True False Hidden column(the width of this column is 0) in excel,before save this into html format, if HtmlHiddenColDisplayType is “Remove”,the hidden column would ont been output, if the value is “Hidden”, the column would been output,but was hidden,the default value is “Hidden”
HiddenRowDisplayType String True False Hidden row(the height of this row is 0) in excel,before save this into html format, if HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType is “Remove”,the hidden row would ont been output, if the value is “Hidden”, the row would been output,but was hidden,the default value is “Hidden”
HtmlCrossStringType String True False Indicates if a cross-cell string will be displayed in the same way as MS Excel when saving an Excel file in html format. By default the value is Default, so, for cross-cell strings, there is little difference between the html files created by Aspose.Cells and MS Excel. But the performance for creating large html files,setting the value to Cross would be several times faster than setting it to Default or Fit2Cell.
IsExpImageToTempDir Boolean True False Indicates if export image files to temp directory. Only for saving to html stream.
PageTitle String True False The title of the html page. Only for saving to html stream.
ParseHtmlTagInCell Boolean True False Parse html tag in cell,like ,as cell value,or as html tag,default is true
SaveFormat String True False
CachedFileFolder String True False
ClearData Boolean True False
CreateDirectory Boolean True False
EnableHTTPCompression Boolean True False
RefreshChartCache Boolean True False
SortNames Boolean True False
ValidateMergedAreas Boolean True False

Parent Name : SaveOptions