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Settings of formulas and calculation.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
CalculateOnOpen Boolean True False Indicates whether the application is required to perform a full calculation when the workbook is opened.
CalculateOnSave Boolean True False Indicates whether recalculate the workbook before saving the document, when in manual calculation mode.
ForceFullCalculation Boolean True False Indicates whether calculates all formulas every time when a calculation is triggered.
CalculationMode String True False Gets or sets the mode for workbook calculation in ms excel.
CalculationId String True False Specifies the version of the calculation engine used to calculate values in the workbook.
EnableIterativeCalculation Boolean True False Indicates whether enable iterative calculation to resolve circular references.
MaxIteration Integer True False The maximum iterations to resolve a circular reference.
MaxChange Floating True False The maximum change to resolve a circular reference.
PrecisionAsDisplayed Boolean True False Whether the precision of calculated result be set as they are displayed while calculating formulas
EnableCalculationChain Boolean True False Whether enable calculation chain for formulas. Default is false.
PreservePaddingSpaces Boolean True False Indicates whether preserve those spaces and line breaks that are padded between formula tokens while getting and setting formulas. Default value is false.