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Represents error bar of data series.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
Link Class:Link True False
Amount Floating True False Represents amount of error bar. The amount must be greater than or equal to zero.
DisplayType String True False Represents error bar display type.
MinusValue String True False Represents negative error amount when error bar type is Custom.
PlusValue String True False Represents positive error amount when error bar type is Custom.
ShowMarkerTTop Boolean True False Indicates if formatting error bars with a T-top.
Type String True False Represents error bar amount type.
BeginArrowLength String True False
BeginArrowWidth String True False
BeginType String True False
CapType String True False
Color Class:Color True False
CompoundType String True False
DashType String True False
EndArrowLength String True False
EndArrowWidth String True False
EndType String True False
GradientFill Class:GradientFill True False
IsAuto Boolean True False
IsAutomaticColor Boolean True False
IsVisible Boolean True False
JoinType String True False
Style String True False
Transparency Floating True False
Weight String True False
WeightPt Floating True False

Parent Name : Line