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Encapsulates a collection of all the DataLabel objects for the specified Series.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
IsAutoText Boolean True False Indicates the text is auto generated.
IsDeleted Boolean True False
LinkedSource String True False
Number Integer True False Gets and sets the built-in number format.
NumberFormat String True False Represents the format string for the DataLabels object.
NumberFormatLinked Boolean True False True if the number format is linked to the cells (so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
Position String True False Represents the position of the data label.
RotationAngle Integer True False
Separator String True False Gets or sets the separator type used for the data labels on a chart.
ShowBubbleSize Boolean True False Represents a specified chart’s data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide.
ShowCategoryName Boolean True False Represents a specified chart’s data label category name display behavior.True to display the category name for the data labels on a chart. False to hide.
ShowLegendKey Boolean True False Represents a specified chart’s data label legend key display behavior. True if the data label legend key is visible.
ShowPercentage Boolean True False Represents a specified chart’s data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide.
ShowSeriesName Boolean True False Returns or sets a Boolean to indicate the series name display behavior for the data labels on a chart. True to show the series name. False to hide.
ShowValue Boolean True False Represents a specified chart’s data label values display behavior. True displays the values. False to hide.
Text String True False Gets or sets the text of data label.
TextDirection String True False
TextHorizontalAlignment String True False
TextVerticalAlignment String True False
Area Class:Area True False
AutoScaleFont Boolean True False
BackgroundMode String True False
Border Class:Line True False
Font Class:Font True False
IsAutomaticSize Boolean True False
IsInnerMode Boolean True False
Shadow Boolean True False
Width Integer True False
Height Integer True False
X Integer True False
Y Integer True False

Parent Name : ChartFrame