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Represents a single point in a series in a chart.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
Area Class:Area True False Gets the area.
Border Class:Line True False Gets the border.
DataLabels Class:DataLabels True False Returns a DataLabels object that represents the data label associated with the point.
Explosion Integer True False The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter.
Marker Class:Marker True False Gets the marker.
Shadow Boolean True False True if the chartpoint has a shadow.
XValue Class:Object True False Gets or sets the X value of the chart point.
YValue Class:Object True False Gets or sets the Y value of the chart point.
IsInSecondaryPlot Boolean True False Gets or sets a value indicates whether this data points is in the second pie or bar on a pie of pie or bar of pie chart.
link Class:Link True False

Parent Name : LinkElement