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Encapsulates the object that represents a single Excel chart.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
AutoScaling Boolean True False True if Microsoft Excel scales a 3-D chart so that it’s closer in size to the equivalent 2-D chart. The RightAngleAxes property must be True.
BackWall Class:Walls True False Returns a object that represents the back wall of a 3-D chart.
CategoryAxis Class:Axis True False Gets the chart’s X axis.
ChartArea Class:ChartArea True False Gets the chart area in the worksheet.
ChartDataTable Class:ChartDataTable True False Represents the chart data table.
ChartObject Class:LinkElement True False Represents the chartShape;
DepthPercent Integer True False Represents the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent).
Elevation Integer True False Represents the elevation of the 3-D chart view, in degrees.
FirstSliceAngle Integer True False Gets or sets the angle of the first pie-chart or doughnut-chart slice, in degrees (clockwise from vertical). Applies only to pie, 3-D pie, and doughnut charts, 0 to 360.
Floor Class:Floor True False Returns a object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart.
GapDepth Integer True False Gets or sets the distance between the data series in a 3-D chart, as a percentage of the marker width. The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.
GapWidth Integer True False Returns or sets the space between bar or column clusters, as a percentage of the bar or column width. The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.
HeightPercent Integer True False Returns or sets the height of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 5 and 500 percent).
HidePivotFieldButtons Boolean True False Indicates whether hide the pivot chart field buttons only when the chart is PivotChart.
Is3D Boolean True False Indicates whether the chart is a 3d chart.
IsRectangularCornered Boolean True False Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart area is rectangular cornered. Default is true.
Legend Class:Legend True False Gets the chart legend.
Name String True False Represents chart name.
NSeries Class:SeriesItems True False Gets a collection representing the data series in the chart.
PageSetup Class:LinkElement True False Represents the page setup description in this chart.
Perspective Integer True False Returns or sets the perspective for the 3-D chart view. Must be between 0 and 100. This property is ignored if the RightAngleAxes property is True.
PivotSource String True False The source is the data of the pivotTable. If PivotSource is not empty ,the chart is PivotChart.
Placement String True False Represents the way the chart is attached to the cells below it.
PlotArea Class:PlotArea True False Gets the chart’s plot area which includes axis tick labels.
PlotEmptyCellsType String True False Gets and sets how to plot the empty cells.
PlotVisibleCells Boolean True False Indicates whether only plot visible cells.
PrintSize String True False Gets and sets the printed chart size.
RightAngleAxes Boolean True False True if the chart axes are at right angles. Applies only for 3-D charts(except Column3D and 3-D Pie Charts).
RotationAngle Integer True False Represents the rotation of the 3-D chart view (the rotation of the plot area around the z-axis, in degrees).
SecondCategoryAxis Class:LinkElement True False Gets the chart’s second X axis.
SecondValueAxis Class:LinkElement True False Gets the chart’s second Y axis.
SeriesAxis Class:LinkElement True False Gets the chart’s series axis.
Shapes Class:LinkElement True False Returns all drawing shapes in this chart.
ShowDataTable Boolean True False Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart displays a data table.
ShowLegend Boolean True False Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart legend will be displayed. Default is true.
SideWall Class:LinkElement True False Returns a object that represents the side wall of a 3-D chart.
SizeWithWindow Boolean True False True if Microsoft Excel resizes the chart to match the size of the chart sheet window.
Style Integer True False Gets and sets the builtin style.
Title Class:LinkElement True False Represents chart title.
Type String True False Represents chart type.
ValueAxis Class:Axis True False Gets the chart’s Y axis.
Walls Class:LinkElement True False Returns a object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart.
WallsAndGridlines2D Boolean True False True if gridlines are drawn two-dimensionally on a 3-D chart.
link Class:Link True False

Parent Name : LinkElement