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Encapsulates the object that represents a single Workbook cell.

Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
Name String True False Gets the name of the cell.
Row Integer True False Gets row number (zero based) of the cell.
Column Integer True False Gets column number (zero based) of the cell.
Value String True False Gets the value contained in this cell.
Type String True False Represents cell value type.
Formula String True False Gets or sets a formula of the .
IsFormula Boolean True False Represents if the specified cell contains formula.
IsMerged Boolean True False Checks if a cell is part of a merged range or not.
IsArrayHeader Boolean True False Indicates the cell’s formula is and array formula and it is the first cell of the array.
IsInArray Boolean True False Indicates whether the cell formula is an array formula.
IsErrorValue Boolean True False Checks if the value of this cell is an error.
IsInTable Boolean True False Indicates whether this cell is part of table formula.
IsStyleSet Boolean True False Indicates if the cell’s style is set. If return false, it means this cell has a default cell format.
HtmlString String True False Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this cell.
Style Class:LinkElement True False
Worksheet String True False Gets the parent worksheet.
link Class:Link True False

Parent Name : LinkElement