

       Represents options for calculation.            
Property Name Property Type Nullable ReadOnly DefaultValue Description
CalcStackSize Integer True False Specifies the stack size for calculating cells recursively.
IgnoreError Boolean True False Indicates whether errors encountered while calculating formulas should be ignored. The error may be unsupported function, external links, etc. The default value is true.
PrecisionStrategy String True False Specifies the strategy for processing precision of calculation.
Recursive Boolean True False Indicates whether calculate the dependent cells recursively when calculating one cell and it depends on other cells. The default value is true.
CustomEngine Class:AbstractCalculationEngine True False The custom formula calculation engine to extend the default calculation engine of Aspose.Cells.
CalculationMonitor Class:AbstractCalculationMonitor True False The monitor for user to track the progress of formula calculation.
LinkedDataSources ArrayClass:Workbook True False Specifies the data sources for external links used in formulas.