Files and Storage

Aspose.Cells Cloud provides helper functions to work with files uploaded to Aspose.Cells Cloud Storage or any other Cloud Storage of your choice. If you need any help getting started with setting third party storage please refer to Aspose Cloud UI Help Topics.

Aspose.Cells Cloud provides kinds of file/folder/storage operating APIs.

How to upload file

Upload File API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
path string path Path where to upload including filename and extension e.g. /file.ext or /Folder 1/file.ext If the content is multipart and path does not contains the file name it tries to get them from filename parameter from Content-Disposition header.
file File formData File to upload
storageName string query Storage name

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Upload File Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to download file

Download File API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
path string path File path e.g. ‘/folder/file.ext’
storageName string query Storage name
versionId string query File version ID to download

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Download File Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to delete file

Delete File API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
path string path File path e.g. ‘/folder/file.ext’
storageName string query Storage name
versionId string query File version ID to delete

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to copy file

Copy File API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
srcPath string path Source file path e.g. ‘/folder/file.ext’
destPath string query Destination file path
srcStorageName string query Source storage name
destStorageName string query Destination storage name
versionId string query File version ID to copy

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Copy File Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to move file

Move File API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
srcPath string path Source file path e.g. ‘/src.ext’
destPath string query Destination file path e.g. ‘/dest.ext’
srcStorageName string query Source storage name
destStorageName string query Destination storage name
versionId string query File version ID to move

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Move File Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to create folder

Create Folder API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
path string path Folder path to create e.g. ‘folder_1/folder_2/’
storageName string query Storage name

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Create Folder Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to get files in folder

Get Files API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
path string path Folder path e.g. ‘/folder’
storageName string query Storage name

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Get Files Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to delete folder

Delete Folder API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
path string path Folder path e.g. ‘/folder’
storageName string query Storage name
recursive boolean query False

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Delete Folder API Information

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to copy folder

Copy Folder API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
srcPath string path Source folder path e.g. ‘/src’
destPath string query Destination folder path e.g. ‘/dst’
srcStorageName string query Source storage name
destStorageName string query Destination storage name

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Copy Folder Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to move folder

Move Folder API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
srcPath string path Folder path to move e.g. ‘/folder’
destPath string query Destination folder path to move to e.g ‘/dst’
srcStorageName string query Source storage name
destStorageName string query Destination storage name

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Move Folder Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to check if storage exists

Storage Exists API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
storageName string path Storage name

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Storage Exists Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to check if file or folder exists

Object Exists API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
path string path File or folder path e.g. ‘/file.ext’ or ‘/folder’
storageName string query Storage name
versionId string query File version ID

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Object Exists Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to get disc usage

Get Disc Usage API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
storageName string query Storage name

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Get Disc Usage Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.

How to get file versions

Get File Versions API Information


The request parameters are:

Parameter Name Type Path/Query String/HTTPBody Description
path string path File path e.g. ‘/file.ext’
storageName string query Storage name

The OpenAPI Specification defines a publicly accessible programming interface and lets you carry out REST interactions directly from a web browser.

Get File Versions Example

You can use cURL command-line tool to access Aspose.Cells web services easily. The following example shows how to make calls to Cloud API with cURL.