Overview of Aspose Cloud REST API


This document outlines the design of a REST-based API for Aspose for Cloud, it covers both the structure of REST URLs as well as specific behavior linked to the API such as Authentication, Request Queuing, and Storage. The Aspose Cloud API will give developers access to all the key functions of the downloadable Aspose componenets through a Software as a Service hosted model.

There will be 3 sub-components within the API design (although these are largely transparent to the end-user);

  • Platform - this covers elements of the Aspose Cloud platform, not directly linked to file format manipulation, such as Storage, Authentication, Queuing, etc;
  • Common - this covers common elements of the API which are shared by all products;
  • Product - this covers product specific areas for each product;
    • Aspose.Words
    • Aspose.Cells
    • Aspose.Pdf
    • Aspose.Slides
    • Aspose.Email
    • Aspose.BarCode
    • Aspose.Imaging
    • Aspose.Tasks
    • Aspose.OCR
    • Aspose.OMR

API Basics

The Aspose Cloud API is a REST-based API for wide usability on the web across platforms. By default, the REST API returns XML formatted responses, but it is possible to get the response in JSON format by setting Content-Type to application/json. Accompanying the REST API will be Client SDKs for all major development platforms which will provide client libraries to make it very easy for developers to code against the Aspose Cloud APIs.

Base URL

Aspose Cloud API requests are made by sending a correctly constructed HTTP requests to the following address, with arguments being generally submitted as HTTP get or post arguments and data files being sent as HTTP post method where necessary.



Each version beginning with 1.0 will have its number as a part of the URL. So the next URLs are used for the first version:



Each product uses its own URL route (key word) to separate its interface:

  1. File storage uses storage and sub routes file and folder for files and folders manipulation correspondingly;


  1. Words uses words route;


  1. Cells uses cells route;


  1. Pdf uses pdf route;


  1. Slides uses slides route;


  1. Email uses email route;


  1. BarCode uses barcode route;


  1. Imaging uses imaging route;


  1. Tasks uses tasks route;


  1. OCR uses ocr route;


  1. OMR uses omr route;



Each user’s application has its own root folder at the server, but any number of subfolders at different levels can be created as well. File storage considers folders as resources and gets the folder or file path as a part of URL:


where the file relative to application root folder path is folder/subfolder/subsubfolder/file.txt. See e.g. Folder for additional details.

While product services get the folder path as a query string folder parameter.

URI Structure

Within the API we will have Resources (each identified by a URI) and Operations (as much as possible covered by the 4 HTTP Methods: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) which can be applied to those resources.

Default ‘empty’ request https://api.aspose.cloud/v1.1 redirects to service start page with a link to some helpful examples. Please check following articles for information regarding Request and Response Format and how to authenticate Aspose Cloud API request.