Reverse Image Search
Aspose.Imaging AI is a powerful library to help developers perform a reverse image search. The reverse image search is an analysis process when the source image set containing at least one image is compared with several other images. As a result of this comparison we get a list of most similar images according to the following conditions:
- Degree of similarity
- The minimal threshold of similarity
- Algorithm of comparison
The library customers may define their own minimal threshold and select the comparison algorithm. The Aspose.Imaging AI will make parallel processing so that customers may benefit from the increased performance.
Use cases
There may be a lot of use cases to apply the reverse image search engine. The most common use cases are the following:
- Search for image duplicates and remove the duplicates. This is the most common use of the library and many customers need to sort out their photo libraries by finding similar photo images and leaving one or several shots while deleting the rest ones
- Search for content similar images. This feature is useful for digital writers who wish to find the most suitable content image to fill the article. Sometimes they may want to find a higher resolution image with the same content to put into the article
- Search for inappropriate content. The engine may help find and identify images with inappropriate content and filter them out
- Search for digitally signed images
Salient Features
- Allows to use image by URL, stream or file path
- Allows to specify an image part for comparison
- Supports bmp, gif, jpeg, tiff, png, pdf, wmf and emf images
- Allows to provide several images for better search results (comparison with several images will be made)
- Supports both recognition of image as a whole and recognizes objects on the image and searches for similar objects (2 different recognition modes)