Aspose.Imaging Cloud 21.11 - Release Notes

New features, fixes and improvements

IMAGINGCLOUD-686Support of custom fonts in image conversion
IMAGINGCLOUD-671Actualize support of image formats

In this release, we have supported new image formats, loading custom fonts, and updated references to the latest version of Aspose.Imaging and Aspose.PSD.

Aspose.Imaging v21.11 release integration features

IMAGINGNET-4582Memory Leaking due to cyclic references in Image classes.
IMAGINGNET-4800Convert SVG to PNG Problem
IMAGINGNET-4785Regression in compression methods when exporting to PSD format
IMAGINGNET-4783Unable to open the Tiff file
IMAGINGNET-4752Incorrect conversion from tif to pdf
IMAGINGNET-4586Cannot load particular EPS image
IMAGINGNET-4497“Unknown name ‘rectfill’” exception thrown when calling “Size” property for EPS image
IMAGINGNET-4679Occasionally an exception occurs when running Image.Save in multiple threads
IMAGINGNET-4637EPS image Load method throws an exception
IMAGINGNET-4634EPS image Size property throws an exception
IMAGINGNET-4457Property Size of EPS image throws an exception

Aspose.Imaging v21.11 comes with fixing some image loading and processing issues.

For the complete list of changes, please refer to Aspose.Imaging for .NET 21.11 Release Notes.