Aspose.HTML Cloud 18.6 Release Notes


  • A group of REST API endpoints has been added: conversion PUT methods that provide possibility to upload conversion results to specified storage folder (see v18.6 - API Changes below)
  • API documentation refinement: descriptions of existing methods and parameters have been clarified (conversion API)

v18.6 - API Changes

All URIs are related to

Added APIs

  • PUT: Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to the specified image format and uploads resulting file to storage

  • PUT: Converts the HTML document (in request content) to the specified image format and uploads resulting file to storage

  • PUT: Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to PDF and uploads resulting file to storage

  • PUT: Converts the HTML document (in request content) to PDF and uploads resulting file to storage

  • PUT: Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to XPS and uploads resulting file to storage

  • PUT: Converts the HTML document (in request content) to XPS and uploads resulting file to storage
