Aspose.Email Cloud 20.2 Release Notes

New features

Introducing Email configuration auto-discover API

If you want to read or send emails using email clients (e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Thunderbird, etc.) you need to know their settings. 

Email client configuration consists of:

  • Name;
  • Protocol type;
  • Host;
  • Port;
  • Socket type;
  • etc.

Now you can easily get email client settings. We added a new API to discover email client configuration from an email address:

var configs = await emailApi.DiscoverEmailConfigAsync(
    new DiscoverEmailConfigRequest(""));
var imap = configs.Value
    .First(config => config.ProtocolType == "IMAP");

/* This code will print:
class EmailAccountConfig {
  DisplayName: Google Mail
  ProtocolType: IMAP
  Port: 993
  SocketType: SSLAuto

The email configuration auto discover API also supports emails with custom domains:

var configs = await emailApi.DiscoverEmailConfigAsync(
    new DiscoverEmailConfigRequest(""));
System.Console.WriteLine(configs.Value.First().DisplayName); //Prints "Google Mail"

You can use credentials to validate discovered configurations (login/password, oauth refresh token). Some extra discover algorithms used if credentials provided:

var configs = await emailApi.DiscoverEmailConfigPasswordAsync(
    new DiscoverEmailConfigPasswordRequest(
        new DiscoverEmailConfigPassword
            Address = "",
            Password = "example.password"

See more examples on tutorial Discover Email Configuration.

SDK changes

  • Fixed bug with file support in Java SDK (getMapiAttachment, getCalendarAttachment, etc.)
  • Ruby *RequestData classes now have attribute accessors
  • Java, Typescript, Python docstrings improved
  • Java SDK methods now throw own ApiException instead of Exception
  • Fixed bug in Typescript EmailApi constructor (appKey and appSid were mixed up)