Aspose.Slides Cloud 20.6 Release Notes

New features and enhancements

  • SLIDESCLOUD-952 - Add method to check that NotesSilde exists
  • SLIDESCLOUD-944 - Create separate endpoints for shape resources with empty subshape paths
  • SLIDESCLOUD-938 - Support Fodp save & load format

Other improvements and changes

  • SLIDESCLOUD-941 - Support PDF/A-1a and PDF/UA options for PdfCompliance enumeration
  • SLIDESCLOUD-935 - PdfOptions.AccessPermissions option
  • SLIDESCLOUD-953 - PutPresentationMerge API throws System.OutOfMemory Exception

Public API changes

NotesSlide/exist resource

The new method (GET for storage files, POST for files in the request body) returns information about whether notes exist for a slide.

Example 1 (storage file)


SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyAppSid", "MyAppKey");
GetNotesSlideExistsRequest request = new GetNotesSlideExistsRequest
    Name = "myPresentaion.pptx",
    Folder = "myFolder",
    SlideIndex = 1
EntityExists exists = api.GetNotesSlideExists(request);

Example 2 (no storage)


Request body:

Contains the presentation.

SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyAppSid", "MyAppKey");
PostGetNotesSlideExistsRequest request = new PostGetNotesSlideExistsRequest
    Document = File.OpenRead("myPresentaion.pptx"),
    SlideIndex = 1
EntityExists exists = api.PostGetNotesSlideExists(request);

Methods for handling subshapes

SDK Request classes related to shapes have no more Path property. You can no longer access subshapes (i.e. shapes inside a grouped shape or a SmartArt figure) using those classes. The affected classes are:

GetSlideShapeRequest, GetSlideShapesRequest, GetSlideShapeParagraphRequest, GetSlideShapeParagraphsRequest, GetParagraphPortionRequest, GetParagraphPortionsRequest, GetNotesSlideShapeRequest, GetNotesSlideShapesRequest, GetNotesSlideShapeParagraphRequest, GetNotesSlideShapeParagraphsRequest, GetNotesSlideShapePortionRequest, GetNotesSlideShapePortionsRequest, PostAddNewShapeRequest, PostAddNewParagraphRequest, PostAddNewPortionRequest, PostNotesSlideAddNewShapeRequest, PostNotesSlideAddNewParagraphRequest, PostNotesSlideAddNewPortionRequest, PutSlideShapeInfoRequest, PutSetParagraphPropertiesRequest, PutSetParagraphPortionPropertiesRequest, PutUpdateNotesSlideShapeRequest, PutUpdateNotesSlideShapeParagraphRequest, PutUpdateNotesSlideShapePortionRequestDeleteSlideShapeRequest, DeleteSlideShapesRequest, DeleteParagraphRequest, DeleteParagraphsRequest, DeletePortionRequest, DeletePortionsRequest, DeleteNotesSlideShapeRequest, DeleteNotesSlideShapesRequest, DeleteNotesSlideParagraphRequest, DeleteNotesSlideParagraphsRequest, DeleteNotesSlidePortionRequest, DeleteNotesSlidePortionsRequest, PostShapeSaveAsRequest, PostNotesSlideShapeSaveAsRequest, PutShapeSaveAsRequest, PutNotesSlideShapeSaveAsRequest.

To work with subshapes, use new SDK methods with a mandatory Path request property:

GetSlideSubshape, GetSlideSubshapes, GetSlideSubshapeParagraph, GetSlideSubshapeParagraphs, GetSubshapeParagraphPortion, GetSubshapeParagraphPortions, PostAddNewSubshape, PostAddNewSubshapeParagraph, PostAddNewSubshapePortion, PutSlideSubshapeInfo, PutSetSubshapeParagraphProperties, PutSetSubshapeParagraphPortionProperties, DeleteSlideSubshape, DeleteSlideSubshapes, DeleteSubshapeParagraph, DeleteSubshapeParagraphs, DeleteSubshapePortion, DeleteSubshapePortions, PostSubshapeSaveAs, PutSubshapeSaveAs.

Example (Download a shape that is part of a shape group)

CURL request remains unchanged:


SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyAppSid", "MyAppKey");
PostSubshapeSaveAsRequest request = new PostSubshapeSaveAsRequest
    Name = "myPresentaion.pptx",
    Folder = "myFolder",
    SlideIndex = 1,
    Path = "4/shapes",
    ShapeIndex = 1,
    Format = ShapeExportFormat.Png
Stream file = TestUtils.SlidesApi.PostSubshapeSaveAs(request);

FODP export format

You can export presentations and slide to FODP.

Usage example (Download a shape that is part of a shape group)


SDK Code:

SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi("MyAppSid", "MyAppKey");
PostSlidesSaveAsRequest request = new PostSlidesSaveAsRequest
    Name = "myPresentation.pptx",
    Format = ExportFormat.Fodp
Stream response = api.PostSlidesSaveAs(request);

PdfExportOptions.AccessPermissions property

A new AccessPermissions property has been added to PdfExportOptions class. It specifies access permissions that should be granted when the document is opened with user access.

New PdfCompliance options

New PdfA1a and PdfUa options have been added to ComplianceEnum enumeration. It is used in the Compliance property of the PdfExportOptions class.