HTML to XPS Conversion


Aspose.HTML Cloud has provided the simplest API to convert an HTML page to the fixed-layout document format XPS. You can convert the HTML document to XPS either from the storage by its name or from the web by its URL.

API Information

APITypeDescriptionSwagger Link
/html/{name}/convert/xpsGETConverts the HTML document (located on storage) to XPS and returns resulting file in response contentGetConvertDocumentToXps
/html/{name}/convert/xpsPUTConverts the HTML document (located on storage) to XPS and uploads resulting file to storagePutConvertDocumentToXps
/html/convert/xpsGETConverts the HTML page (located in the Web) to XPS and returns resulting file in response contentGetConvertDocumentToXpsByUrl
/html/convert/xpsPOSTConverts the HTML document (in request content) to XPS and uploads resulting file to storagePostConvertDocumentInRequestToXps

cURL Example

Case 1: Converts the HTML document (located on storage) to XPS and returns resulting file in response content: