Aspose.HTML Cloud 19.01 Release Notes

New features

We are pleased to announce that the Aspose.HTML Cloud functionality has been extended with the following features:

  • New Conversion API has been added: Convert HTML page from Web by its URL to MHTML 

API review

The existing Aspose.HTML Cloud has been reviewed and the following API changes have been done:

  • Conversion to MHTML APIs have been excluded 

Issue fixes

  • HTMLCLOUD-831: HTML to Markdown conversion PUT method: missed storage parameter, so a result can be stored to default storage only. Also, the storage parameter has been added to other PUT conversion APIs
  • HTMLCLOUD-832: HTML to Markdown conversion PUT method: file being saved to the storage has zero sizes (it occurred only if source file in the request body was a plain HTML; if zipped HTML - OK)
  • HTML to Markdown, all methods: useGit parameter type has been changed to string since bool type using produced conversion and performance issues